
Week 2: Nature Round-Up

Week 2's challenge of nature photography featured some really interesting submissions. Check them out within this update.

2 years ago

Latest Post Week 52: "People" Round-Up by Nick Shaw public

Week 2's challenge of nature photography featured some really interesting submissions. When I say interesting, I mean truly interesting. No, not in a bad way, but I am humbled to have such creativity participating in this challenge. The joy of this is being able to review your photos and find some of the unexpected from your own perspective.

Two photos stand out as part of the interestingness.

Keith Devereux, he submitted a 2-bit photograph taken with a Nintendo Gameboy Color and the Pocket camera. Being a gamer myself, this is a really unique capture and well within the parameters of the challenge as I stated any camera goes. Photography is an art, and Keith embraced something unique to capture his art.

Brielle Cardieri took a more abstract interpretation to captured her nature. Her submission is an abstract interpretation of the theme and as being taken inside of a cab of "NYC as an Urban Jungle." This one gave me pause and I started to think philosophically about the theme. This is not a photo of natural scenery by definition, but I respect the nature of her reality (pun intended). In her words regarding the capture:

This submission is a bit of an abstract interpretation of this week's theme, mostly because "Nature" in New York City in January is hard to come by! But to me, the true nature of NYC as an Urban Jungle, is always alive and always exciting. This picture was taken inside of a cab. There was another cab that pulled up alongside next to us and the double-cab opportunity was too good to pass up!

These weekly round-ups will go live on Monday mornings, and subscribers can receive them directly to your inbox. You can subscribe for free and opt-in for the weekly challenge tips that will be sent out mid-week to guide you.

Here is the week 2 round-up as we kick off week 3's theme of "Nostalgia."

Alejandro Mallea's submission for Nature
Alejandro Mallea
Kyle O'Hara's submission for Nature
Kyle O'Hara
Adil Constantine's submission for Nature
Adil Constantine
Michael Warth's submission for Nature
Michael Warth
Jan Schrieber's submission for Nature
Jan Schrieber
Rob Brown's submission for Nature
Rob Brown
Keith Devereux's submission for Nature
Keith Devereux
Nick Shaw's submission for Nature
Nick Shaw (Glass, Twitter)
Brielle Cardieri's submission for Nature (abstract)
Brielle Cardieri

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023, Week 1: Leading Lines Round-up

Nick Shaw

Published 2 years ago


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