
Week 25: “Rule of Odds” Round-Up

Here's your weekly photo round-up for the challenge of the "Rule of Odds"

2 years ago

Latest Post Week 52: "People" Round-Up by Nick Shaw public

This past Saturday a whole bunch of folks from the Rochester photo community got together for a photo walk that was coordinated by the fine folks at CineStill, Kodak Camera Club, and Scott’s Photo. I would estimate that around 150 or so photographers turned up for the event at Ugly Duck, a coffee shop here in Rochester. Within the group, people brought out some really awesome cameras. I would venture to say that the vast majority of people were shooting on film, which makes sense as the main organizer was CineStill. Overall, really awesome turn out and got to meet a ton of new people.

On the same theme of meeting new people, this photo challenge has introduced me to a lot of you fine folk that are reading this. When everyone was convening for the walk, people were hanging out and chatting about one another’s tools of the trade, the cool and unique cameras that were hanging around peoples’ necks as they sipped their coffee. During these conversations, one gent mentioned a 52-week photo challenge he was participating in. Come to find out, it was this very photo challenge and I got to meet Rob Brown in person and spend the next hour and a half or so walking around making images with him. He’s a friend of a friend, that joined in the challenge by word of mouth.

I encourage you to share this challenge with your friends and fellow photographers. It is super helpful for MIDNIGHT SLATE’s exposure and much appreciated by me. It’s a small world out there, and I’d like to continue to build this community we have here. We’re at the half-way point, so invite your friends and lets continue to create and share.

These weekly round-ups will go live on Monday mornings, and subscribers can receive them directly to your inbox. You can subscribe for free and opt-in for the weekly challenge tips that will be sent out mid-week to guide you.

Here is the week 25 round-up for "Rule of Odds" as we kick off week 26's theme of "Abstract."

Rob Brown
Rob Brown
Andrew Cardinale
Andrew Cardinale
Susan Stillman
Susan Stillman
Greg McMillan
Greg McMillan (Banner Image)

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023

Nick Shaw

Published 2 years ago


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