
Week 31: "Sunrise" Round-Up

Here's your weekly photo round-up for the challenge of the "Sunrise"

a year ago

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Lately, weather has been a weird thing here in Rochester. Forecasts look sunny for the entire day, then random storms creep in and have dumped an incredible amount of rain. Part of the challenge with photographing anything related to mother nature is taking what you're given.

The pre-requisite to that is simply showing up and being ready to take advantage of whatever moment presents itself. I have a great amount of respect for landscape photographers that roll with the punches. Sometimes you're prepared, and in the end you aren't rewarded with an image that you like or are proud of. That's the nature of how it goes (no pun intended).

I thought about this a bit more philosophically over the weekend in the greater scheme of making images and capturing memories. Every opportunity you miss, is one less than the sum of total opportunities you get to make a specific image. In this past week's challenge, every sunrise you miss is one less than sunrise you get to see and/or capture in your life. I think this is why I keep a camera nearby at all times, to capture memories and document moments to look back on. A recent discussion in Discord someone mentioned "every day I don't vlog I regret just a bit." Since COVID kept me home from the chaos of consistent travel, I've been taking more photos "just because" vs ones to post into the social media engine. Maybe I should start short vlogs again too.

Take advantage of every "sunrise" you can. Just snap photos for the memory bank to document, you'll thank yourself later.

These weekly round-ups will go live on Monday mornings, and subscribers can receive them directly to your inbox. You can subscribe for free and opt-in for the weekly challenge tips that will be sent out mid-week to guide you.

Here is the week 31 round-up for "Sunrise" as we kick off week 33's theme of "Transport."

Greg McMillan
Greg McMillan
Andrew Cardinale
Andrew Cardinale
Rob Brown
Rob Brown
Susan Stillman
Susan Stillman
Jan Schrieber
Jan Schrieber

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023

Nick Shaw

Published a year ago


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