
Week 50: "Pride" Round-Up

Here's your weekly photo round-up for the challenge of the "Pride"

10 months ago

Latest Post Week 52: "People" Round-Up by Nick Shaw public

Pride can be hard to capture. I think often enough, we capture things that we are proud of to share the accomplishment or "thing" with others. Capturing someone else feeling pride can be a whole different ball game.

I've been a Furbaby Dad for some time now. I am not a parent to any humans, yet. I'd like to think there are some skills with raising/training/taking care of your pets that translate in some small way; patience, nurturing qualities, and playfulness, to name just a few (Parents, please don't bring out your pitchforks and torches. I realize that I have no idea).

I feel it a bit, a sense of pride with how we've trained our dog to behave and interact with others. I hear how he's such a good boy (and they mean it) when he's presented with certain situations. I am tough on him at times, but these moments remind me to be proud of the time and effort we've spent to teach him and work with him on all sorts of experiences. It's good to get reminded from time to time of these smaller moments and wins along life.

These weekly round-ups will go live on Monday mornings, and subscribers can receive them directly to your inbox. You can subscribe for free and opt-in for the weekly challenge tips that will be sent out mid-week to guide you.

Here is the week 50 round-up for "Pride" as we kick off week 51's theme of "Balance."

Rob Brown
Rob Brown
Nick Shaw
Nick Shaw

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023

Nick Shaw

Published 10 months ago


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