
Week 1: Leading Lines Round-up

Here is this week's round-up for the category of "Leading Lines"

2 years ago

Latest Post Week 52: "People" Round-Up by Nick Shaw public

Week 1's category of "Leading Lines" has concluded. Participants shook off the holidaze from too much boozy eggnog to get out and further understand this compositional challenge. I was truly impressed by the quality of submissions to kick things off.

These weekly round-ups will go live on Monday mornings, and subscribers can receive them directly to your inbox. You can subscribe for free and opt-in for the weekly challenge tips that will be sent out mid-week to guide you.

Here is the week 1 round-up as we kick off week 2's theme of "Nature."

Brielle Cardieri's submission for "Leading Lines"
Brielle Cardieri, more here
Michael Warth's submission for "Leading Lines"
Michael Warth
Daniel Agee's submission for "Leading Lines"
Daniel Agee
Joe Schmitt's submission for "Leading Lines"
Joe Schmitt
Keith Devereaux's submission for "Leading Lines"
Keith Devereaux
Alejandro Mallea's submission for "Leading Lines"
Alejandro Mallea
Adil Constantine's submission for "Leading Lines"
Adil Constantine
Nick Shaw's submission for "Leading Lines"
Nick Shaw
Mike Dhalle's submission for "Leading Lines"
Mike Dhalle
Bryan Minear's submission for "Leading Lines"
Bryan Minear (Banner Image)

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023

Nick Shaw

Published 2 years ago


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