
Week 37: "Patterns" Round-Up

Here's your weekly photo round-up for the challenge of the "Patterns"

10 months ago

Latest Post Week 52: "People" Round-Up by Nick Shaw public

Last week I had a minor procedure to remove a few bumps on my right eyelid that were causing me various problems. I'll spare you the details of the procedure, but I equate it to something that could be used as a torture technique. Unfortunately, I found out how much my dominant eye matters as the recovery period pretty much put me out of commission all last week. I spent majority of my days icing my face and felt better laying down with both eyes closed I'm still healing, but at least I can see past the remaining swelling. A minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, but a stark reminder at how much we can take our senses for granted.

My image this week I shot on black and white film. Wood has patterns in the texture and grain, but when you take an image of your deck you have further patterns with the spacing and frequency of the nails or screws that hold it all together. Deterioration of the surface can show patterns of frequent use in certain areas. I found this capture to be simple, but intriguing with some deeper thought.

These weekly round-ups will go live on Monday mornings, and subscribers can receive them directly to your inbox. You can subscribe for free and opt-in for the weekly challenge tips that will be sent out mid-week to guide you.

Here is the week 37 round-up for "Patterns" as we kick off week 38's theme of "Night."

Greg McMillan
Greg McMillan
Rob Brown
Rob Brown
Andrew Cardinale
Andrew Cardinale
Susan Stillman
Susan Stillman
Nick Shaw
Nick Shaw (Glass, Twitter)
Jan Schrieber
Jan Schrieber (Banner)

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023

Nick Shaw

Published 10 months ago


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