
Week 37: Tips for Capturing "Patterns"

Here's your weekly challenge tips for the challenge of the "Patterns"

10 months ago

Latest Post Week 52: "People" Round-Up by Nick Shaw public

Patterns are all around us, from the intricate designs of a spider's web to the repeating geometry of a skyscraper's windows. As a photographer, harnessing the power of patterns can lead to mesmerizing and visually striking images. Here are three tips to help you shoot photographs that capture the compositional theme of "Patterns."

  1. Seek Out Strong Subjects — To create compelling pattern-based photographs, you need strong subjects that exhibit repetitive elements. Keep an eye out for textures, shapes, or designs that catch your attention. Some examples include the texture of a brick wall, the symmetry of a spiral staircase, or the repetitive lines of a zebra's stripes. The more visually interesting the subject, the better your pattern-focused photograph will turn out.
  2. Pay Attention to Composition — Composition plays a vital role in pattern photography. Experiment with various angles, perspectives, and framing to find the most engaging way to present the patterns in your subject. Some composition techniques to consider include:
    • Symmetry: Center your subject and create a symmetrical image. This approach emphasizes the balance and repetition of patterns.
    • Fill the Frame: Get up close and personal with your subject to fill the frame with patterns. This can create a more abstract and captivating image.
    • Leading Lines: Use leading lines within the pattern to guide the viewer's eye through the frame. This technique adds depth and visual interest.
  3. Play with Light and Shadow — Patterns often interact beautifully with light and shadow. The interplay between these elements can enhance the texture and depth of your photographs. Experiment with different lighting conditions to see how patterns change throughout the day. For example:
    • Soft, Diffused Light: Overcast days or indirect sunlight can help reduce harsh shadows, making patterns appear smoother and more uniform.
    • Hard, Direct Light: Strong sunlight can cast sharp shadows, accentuating the depth and dimension of patterns.
    • Backlighting: Shooting patterns with the light source behind your subject can create a dramatic silhouette effect, emphasizing the outlines and details of the pattern.

Capturing patterns in your photographs can result in visually striking and mesmerizing images. To succeed in pattern photography, seek out strong subjects, pay attention to composition, and play with light and shadow. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and refine your skills. I find myself with more attempts that miss the mark versus images I am truly happy with. That is all part of the process after all.

Related: 52-week Photography Challenge 2023

Nick Shaw

Published 10 months ago


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